Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on.
In 1895, Coney Island debuted the first looping roller coaster, and it was a flop! Why were people getting broken necks?
There’s a party in the neighborhood with William Buckland, Tycho Brahe, Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov, Stubbins Ffirth, and Pythagoras! Can you solve this logic puzzle?
What does Spinal Tap have to do with math? Everything that even the fourth century BCE laudable mathematician Eratosthenes would know: Dimensions!
If you are interested in learning more about the astrolabe, as well as how to make one, here are several links that will point you in the right direction. (pun intended)
Archimedes was an infamous and remarkable scientist who founded many foundational principles and theories in mathematics, astronomy, physics, and engineering.
His parents raised him as a Quaker with earnest values: to live one’s life, not on a set of beliefs or utterances of God, but rather to exist as a testimony to the world.