Physics of the Flip Flap Rollercoaster

Gabriellebirchak/ January 19, 2020/ Contemporary History, Modern History, Uncategorized

On Jan­u­ary 20, 1885, the inven­tor, LaMar­cus Thomp­son of Coney Island, New York, received the first patent for a roller coast­er. Called the Grav­i­ty Plea­sure Switch­back Rail­way, this roller coast­er was a cart that trav­eled down a 600-foot mini-rail­way at a leisure­ly six miles per hour. It was quaint. 

Ten years lat­er, Coney Island debuted their roller coast­er called the Flip Flap Rail­way, which was the first roller coast­er with a loop. If you have lis­tened to my pod­cast, you learn that many peo­ple suf­fered whiplash, neck injuries, and even ejection. 

The Flip Flap Rail­way, in all its dan­ger­ous glo­ry, from 1895. Cre­ative commons.

What engi­neers didn’t under­stand then was the effect of grav­i­ty forces on the human body, most­ly because they were test­ing out the roller coast­er with a heavy bag of sand. Tech­ni­cal­ly our bod­ies can only han­dle a force of 5 Gs. How­ev­er, the Flip Flap made its thrill seek­ers endure 12 Gs on the body! Any­thing over five can be detri­men­tal to the human body. Twelve Gs can cause grav­i­ty-induced loss of con­scious­ness, which pilots refer to as GLOC. Bri­an D. Avery pro­vides a fan­tas­tic Ted-Ed video that explains how a large G force can affect your body … for the worse! You can find it here: 

Mako Roller Coast­er Lifthill — Cre­ative Commons

What our ear­ly roller coast­er engi­neers did not under­stand is that our bod­ies are accelerom­e­ters. We feel the accel­er­a­tion. This is the key fac­tor to what we feel when we are in a roller coast­er because the roller coast­er is pro­pelled entire­ly by the pow­er of grav­i­ty. We feel the roller coast­er obtain poten­tial ener­gy (while we under­go heart-rac­ing antic­i­pa­tion) as we slow­ly climb up the roller coast­er from the lift hill. 

Or we feel a sud­den burst of ener­gy as the roller coast­er rapid­ly hurls us for­ward from a hydraulic launch sys­tem. Here is an excel­lent video from SciShow that helps explain how the hydraulic launch sys­tem works on roller coasters. 

At the top of the hill, the roller­coast­er has poten­tial ener­gy. No mat­ter how you got to the top of the first hill or moun­tain, the best part about the roller coast­er is the feel of weight­less­ness as the poten­tial ener­gy turns into glo­ri­ous kinet­ic ener­gy, and you go into a state that feels like free-fall. 

So our bod­ies expe­ri­ence the pull of grav­i­ty as we climb the hill while the coast­er gains poten­tial ener­gy, or our bod­ies are float­ing above the seat on a small scale dur­ing the descent down the hill as we expe­ri­ence kinet­ic energy.

We feel grav­i­ty on our bod­ies as we stand or sit. That force that we are used to dai­ly is just 1 G. It’s a con­tact force that we get from the earth, also known as the Nor­mal force. It is called Nor­mal because that’s a syn­onym for per­pen­dic­u­lar. The Nor­mal force is per­pen­dic­u­lar to the sur­face that you stand on. The image of the box on the table helps to explain this. Even though the box is at rest on the table, two forces are act­ing on the box, the Nor­mal force N, and the force of weight W. The force W is the weight of the box, and the force N is the upward force that the table exerts on the box.

But when we are falling from a high point on a roller coast­er, there’s no Nor­mal force push­ing up on us and we are free falling at 9.8 m/s2, which is the force of grav­i­ty pulling us down. And, again, since our bod­ies are accelerom­e­ters, we feel this…and it’s awe­some. We are accel­er­at­ing towards the earth at 9.8 m/s2. That is grav­i­ty, show­ing us a good time! 

Now, for the Flip Flap. What went wrong? Well, for all loop­ing roller coast­ers, as a roller coast­er is going into a loop, the speed at which we move pro­vides us the iner­tial veloc­i­ty to get to the top of the loop and then back down again. If you have even been in a loop­ing roller coast­er, you will feel heav­i­est at the bot­tom and the light­est at the top. Two vec­tor forces are act­ing on the body, the Nor­mal force and gravity’s force. What we actu­al­ly feel on our body is the Nor­mal force. As a result, as the veloc­i­ty moves us for­ward, the net force on our bod­ies keeps con­stant­ly chang­ing. The net force will always have an inward direc­tion on the loop. 

Khan Acad­e­my pro­vides an excel­lent video on cal­cu­lat­ing the Nor­mal force, which you can find here: 

As the coast­er moves to the top of the loop, pas­sen­gers should feel a sense of weight­less­ness. Again, that’s the Nor­mal force that we feel, and the Nor­mal force is min­i­mal. But, for the Flip Flap, once that coast­er start­ed to go back down, grav­i­ty began to pull on it. The Flip Flap was a per­fect cir­cle, so the loop’s cur­va­ture was con­stant. Look­ing at the images, we see that because the net force points inward. Once the coast­er reached the bot­tom of the track, the Nor­mal force is much big­ger than the force of grav­i­ty. That Nor­mal force was much stronger than the force of grav­i­ty, and it was exert­ed on the pas­sen­ger sit­ting on the wood­en cart. At that instant, the Flap Flap pas­sen­gers endured 12 Gs on the base of their spines. In a wood­en cart! 

Also, the pas­sen­ger cart was going in too fast in order to get it through the whole loop. As a result, the mag­ni­tude of the G force increased instan­ta­neous­ly at the entrance of the loop and at the exit of the loop! This fan­tas­tic video cre­at­ed by The Art of Engi­neer­ing explains this per­fect­ly at 7:08. How­ev­er, I rec­om­mend watch­ing the whole video because it per­fect­ly illus­trates the math and physics behind the cir­cu­lar loop. It also describes how the clothoid teardrop shape that we now use cre­ates a grad­ual change in cur­va­ture and reduces the max­i­mum force at the bot­tom of the loop. 

Today the roller coast­er is con­trolled and not as crazy as the orig­i­nal roller coast­ers of the 19th cen­tu­ry. We now have stan­dards in place that are set forth by the Amer­i­can Soci­ety for Test­ing and Mate­ri­als that present G force expo­sure lim­its. These G force lim­its incor­po­rate facets of physics and design. Also, thanks to 3D mod­el­ing and com­put­er analy­sis, we can now design some fan­tas­tic roller coast­ers that can be test­ed in a vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment to ensure your safe­ty. So, if you are on a roller coast­er that makes you feel like you want to die, don’t wor­ry, we have some tal­ent­ed and bril­liant peo­ple on the job mak­ing sure that you’re just fine.

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