Hipparchus: The Trigonometry of our Cosmos
Space. It’s not just the final frontier. It’s not just an infinite three-dimensional platform where entities have position and direction. Space is a profound reminder that we are part of this giant construct of atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, voids, masses, and gravity, that work together as a unifying body that moves us in the universe’s dance of life! Starting with the Big Bang, we began to exist, even though we were in the dust scattered across the inflating universe.
Many of us examine the stars to understand where we came from and where we are going. We observe their movement to understand the beauty that encircles us every night as the sun sets. And we embrace its vast magnificence while identifying with our minuteness in this tremendously grand structure that is the universe.
The written history of astronomical observation dates back over two thousand years. Observing the night sky has evolved and developed so that we now have an extensive list of space telescopes that bring us up close to the beauty of our cosmos. It is utterly amazing to think that a little over 2,000 years ago, this data-gathering process began to advance through the brilliant work of the ancient astronomer Hipparchus.
Hipparchus was born in 190 BCE in the Kingdom of Bithynia, which today is now known as the region of Northern Anatolia, Turkey. We know about Hipparchus through the writings of ancient historians, mathematicians, and scientists, including Ptolemy, who utilized Hipparchus’s astronomical findings for his infamous work Almagest. Ptolemy admired him so much that he referred to him as “that enthusiastic worker and lover of truth.”[1] He has been referenced in the works of Strabo, who wrote Geography, and Pliny the Elder, who wrote Natural History. By the fourth century, Hipparchus had been referenced by Alexandrian mathematicians Pappus, Theon, and Hypatia.

Image of a chord function and values
Unfortunately, very little of Hipparchus’s works survive. He wrote at least fourteen books, which included a star catalog and one of the first trigonometric tables in his work called Of Lines Inside a Circle. This trigonometric table included several values of a chord function, which was quite a feat considering his work came from 200 BCE.
Hipparchus authored On The Length Of The Year, which were his observations on the sun’s motions and orbits. He studied the moon’s movement and determined the period of an eclipse by comparing his data with Babylonian data from 300 years prior. When Hipparchus flourished as a mathematician and astronomer, it had already been known that the moon moved at varying speeds. However, no data showed the actual size of the orbits. Hipparchus was the first astronomer to determine the size of the moon’s orbit. Furthermore, as noted by the great historian Pliny, the Elder, Hipparchus was one of the first astronomers to show that lunar eclipses occur five months apart and that solar eclipses occur seven months apart.[2] He also revealed that the sun could be hidden twice in thirty days, depending on the viewer’s location.
Thus, many of our early astronomical findings would not have been realized if it were not for the works of Hipparchus. His systematical techniques helped him to discover and measure the Earth’s precession. And this discovery was no Eureka moment. It was an extensive application of trigonometry, trigonometry tables, applications of spherical trigonometry, and geometry.

In physics, the Earth’s precession can be understood by looking at a gyroscope or, more simply, a spinning top. The top spins on its tip, and where one grabs it to make it spin is called the crown. The crown, as defined in physics, indicates the axis of the top. This axis is the line in which the body of the top spins around. When you spin a top, you will notice that the axis also rotates. As it speeds up, the axis makes a smaller circular motion. When it slows down, the axis makes a larger circular motion. The axis does not spin as fast as the top. The gravity of the Earth causes the axis to spin, which in physics is referred to as torque.
So, in the case of Earth, as the world spins on its axis while spinning around the sun, the axis, which is represented as the North Pole, is also spinning, albeit very slowly. This spinning is the Earth’s axial precession. Historically, this was referred to as the precession of the equinoxes.
The Earth has two equinoxes, the spring equinox, and the fall equinox. An equinox is when the sun’s rays are perpendicular to the Earth’s equator. Thus, when the angle of the sun’s rays to the equator is zero degrees.
Hipparchus discovered the Earth’s precession by following and measuring the movements of the stars, specifically Spica and Regulus, two of the brightest stars in our night sky. In his observations, he measured the longitudes of these two stars. Then he compared his numbers to the data of previous scientists and astronomers. He discovered that the bright star, Spica, had moved two degrees compared to its location during the fall equinox. Through this calculation, he realized that the procession of our equinoxes moves at a rate between one and two degrees. Hipparchus concluded that because the Earth’s axis moved so slowly, it would complete a rotation about every 36,000 years. This number was further validated in Ptolemy’s work Almagest.[3] What is impressive about this discovery is that Hipparchus was not that far off. We have since realized that the Earth’s axis completes a rotation approximately every 26,000 years.
In 398 CE, about 600 years after Hipparchus, Synesius of Cyrene, one of Hypatia’s students and disciples, wrote a letter to the military leader Pylaemenes. Along with that letter, Synesius had sent Pylaemenes an astrolabe. Synesius’s mission was to influence and encourage the politicians of Rome to study and learn the value of science. Clearly, the importance of educating politicians on the value of science has been an endeavor among scientists for thousands of years.
In his letter, Synesius writes, “the great Ptolemy and the divine band of his successors were content to have it as their one useful possession, for the sixteen stars made it sufficient for the night clock. Hipparchus merely transposed the stars and inserted them into the instrument.”[4] Thus, we have an early reference that the astrolabe might have been Hipparchus’s invention.

The astrolabe was the evolution and combination of an armillary sphere, a celestial map, and a dioptra. An armillary sphere is a spherical frame of rings representing the stars’ celestial latitude and longitude. It often has an axis that is characterized by an arrow. If you have ever been shopping at HomeGoods, more than likely, you’ve seen a multitude of them in the décor department, which is kind of cool.
A dioptra was a measuring tube with a protractor. It surveyed over far distances, which was useful for measuring land for building structures and aqueducts and for measuring the position of the stars. Heron of Alexandria, in the first century, referenced the dioptra in his work The Dioptra and indicated that his instrument worked as a general sighting tool and as a level.

The astrolabe, a combination of these three objects, allowed astronomers to map out the stars and project the night sky as a celestial sphere onto the plane of the equator. The astrolabe eventually evolved into a flat, user-friendly, portable mechanism. Metaphorically speaking, with the astrolabe, users were then able to hold the galaxy in the palms of their hands.
The main body of the astrolabe is called the mater. The front part of the mater cradles the parts of the astrolabe together in the womb. At the top of the astrolabe is a cross, with twenty-four symbols etched around the limb with an M at the bottom. The cross represents noon, and the M represents midnight. Etchings around the outer rim represent degrees, hours, or both.
The plates that sit inside the womb are called climates. These climates are mapped with a celestial sphere. The climates can be interchanged depending on an individual’s latitude and location of observation. All that the user can observe in three-dimensional space is flattened onto the plates of the astrolabe. Thus, the final tool that is needed to read an astrolabe is the imagination. So, if you were to hold an astrolabe in your hand, you would imagine the night sky as a dome of stars. This enormous, imagined sphere is a stereographic projection. Thus, stereographic projection is the mapping of three-dimensional spherical images onto a two-dimensional plane, which, in this case, is the astrolabe.
Stereographic Projection
Stereographic projection is essential for the astrolabe because it preserves circles and angles. The astrolabe assists in determining the angle at which one can see the moon or the stars. It also measures altitude, latitude, and the width of rivers and valleys. It serves as a compass and helps determine the day’s hour.
However, unlike a map that provides preserved distances or areas on a ratio scale, stereographic projection creates a projected map of curves referenced by inscribed angles.

So, when you hold the astrolabe, you are standing on the Earth at a specific latitude. The latitude where you stand is the angular measure from Earth’s equator. Looking up, imagine that you are standing beneath of dome of stars.
I created the stereographic projection image with Hypatia standing in Alexandria, Egypt, which is at 31° latitude. However, she also stands at a 90° angle to her horizon. In the image, the green curve represents the horizon. As Hypatia looks directly up at the stars, her line of sight runs along the zenith and is perpendicular to Hypatia’s horizon. The same line that runs below Hypatia and is perpendicular to the horizon is the Nadir. In the image of Hypatia looking up at the stars, the entire area of the stars she observes is the almucantar, also known as the observer’s latitude. When two stars lie on the same almucantar, they have the same altitude.
The North Pole is perpendicular to the equator. Since Hypatia is standing in Alexandria, Egypt, at 31° degrees latitude, the angular measure between her and the North Pole is 59°. As a result, the angular measurement from the South Pole to the Nadir is also 59°. The line that runs from the center of the almucantar at Hypatia’s zenith to the South Pole intersects the equator. This intersection is the projection of almucantars onto the flat plane of the astrolabe.
Thus, any observer looking at their astrolabe can verify which stars they are looking up at by referencing the almucantars on the plates of the astrolabe.
Even today, the astrolabe serves as a valuable tool for the astronomer. In addition to observing our heavenly skies, travelers use this handheld tool to navigate across land and water, survey the height of buildings or hillsides, and estimate the lengths of rivers or other distances.
The following image comes from a manuscript titled Del modo di misurare, written by a 16th-century polymath Cosimo Bartoli. Del modo di misurare consisted of several books, including one dedicated to astrolabe’s measuring capabilities. The concepts for determining height and distances from the backside of the astrolabe use Hipparchus’s trigonometry and trigonometric ratios.

Hipparchus, thus, using this concept of stereographic projection, created a map by imagining a perpendicular line that connected each star to a point on the plates of the astrolabe. By using this astrolabe and observing fixed stars, Hipparchus was also able to measure one’s geographical latitude and the time of day or night at that geographical latitude. And because he had such an extensive background working with trigonometry and understanding the angles of projection, using a grade grid, he was able to assign a value of latitude and longitude to various locations on the Earth. These multiple locations of reference allowed him to design the interchangeable plates on the astrolabe that the viewer could change, depending on where they were located.
This method of determining the latitude and longitude of geography contributed to his treatise Against The Geography Of Eratosthenes. In this work, Hipparchus redefined the cartography of the world map by correcting many of the geographical mistakes that Eratosthenes made in his own work, Geography.[5]

At the Griffith Observatory in my hometown of Los Angeles, there is a forty-foot monument with a hollow bronze armillary sphere at the top. There are six great astronomers carved into this magnificent monument. The only one from antiquity is Hipparchus. And rightly so. He was one of the very first astronomers who not only intrigued our curiosity and imagination with stereographic projection but also defined the Earth’s geography. Additionally, he was one of the first to not only observe but also mathematically and trigonometrically define his observations.
As we ride along with the stars and the galaxies in our world, we dance among our own personal constructs of atoms, molecules, voids, and gatherings. Hipparchus’s mathematical astronomy grounded us in understanding where we are in the world and the universe. He helped us to see the choreography of the universe and showed how we move with it. Thus, his observations piqued our curiosity and inspired us to imagine our place as we stand on this little blue dot moving through space as observers and participants in this glorious dance of the stars.
Until next time, carpe diem!
[1] Ptolemy, 2nd cent. “The Almagest.” edited by R.M. Hutchins, Vol. 16. Great Books of the Western World. Chicago: Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952. http://archive.org/details/almagest00ptol: ix.
[2] Pliny, the Elder. The Natural History of Pliny (Volume 1). Edited by John Bostock and H.T. Riley. Vol. 1. London : Henry G. Bohn, 1855. http://archive.org/details/57011150RX1.nlm.nih.gov.
[3] Goldstein, Bernard R., and Alan C. Bowen. “The Introduction of Dated Observations and Precise Measurement in Greek Astronomy.” Archive for History of Exact Sciences 43, no. 2 (1991): 93–132.
[4]. Augustine Fitzgerald, “On an Astrolabe,” in The Letters of Synesius of Cyrene. Translated into English with Introduction and Notes (London: Milford, 1926), 263.
[5] Shcheglov, Dmitry A. “Eratosthenes’ Contribution to Ptolemy’s Map of the World.” IMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY 69, no. 2 (January 1, 2017): 159–75. https://doi.org/10.1080/03085694.2017.1312112.