Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Foote was nev­er acknowl­edged as a legit­i­mate cli­mate sci­en­tist. That is, until 2011, when His­to­ri­an Ray Soren­son real­ized Foote was the first cli­mate sci­en­tist to con­duct this ground­break­ing study, lead­ing us to under­stand cli­mate change and the steps we must take to save Moth­er Earth.

What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

The Greek philoso­pher Aris­to­tle was born in 384 BCE. The Ital­ian philoso­pher St. Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225. Galileo Galilei was born on Feb­ru­ary 15, 1564. Between the three of them, there is a sto­ry that spans almost 2000 years. That sto­ry is known as the Galileo Affair.