In 1895, Coney Island debuted the first looping roller coaster, and it was a flop! Why were people getting broken necks?
The developments in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence now allow us to read the works of fragile, scrolls that have never been read before.
My podcast has a secret, but my blog has all the math!
Archimedes was an infamous and remarkable scientist who founded many foundational principles and theories in mathematics, astronomy, physics, and engineering.
His parents raised him as a Quaker with earnest values: to live one’s life, not on a set of beliefs or utterances of God, but rather to exist as a testimony to the world.
Math is part of our genetic makeup, and history proves it to be true!
As we enter into the month of April, we approach the birthday of one of the greatest mathematicians to contribute to this concept of chaos.