Pascal’s Triangle! It can even help you order pizza!

Gabrielle Birchak/ November 9, 2021/ Uncategorized

In math, Pas­cal’s tri­an­gle is a tri­an­gu­lar pat­tern of bino­mi­al coef­fi­cients. If that makes no sense, in real life, you can use Pas­cal’s tri­an­gle to fig­ure out com­bi­na­tions of things.
For exam­ple, you’re order­ing piz­za, and the restau­rant is offer­ing a 2 top­ping for $2 deal and the restau­rant offers 4 types of top­pings. How many dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of piz­zas can you cre­ate with only two top­pings? Under­neath the first 1, you count down four rows and not count­ing that first 1, you count over two num­bers. That val­ue is 6. You can order six dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of piz­zas with two toppings!

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