
Gabriellebirchak/ September 21, 2018/ Ancient History, Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages, Post Classical, Protohistory

I love research­ing Late Antiq­ui­ty his­to­ry. If you like his­to­ry and his­tor­i­cal sci­ence as much as I do, I am sure you share the same kind of thrill that I get when I dis­cov­er an indi­vid­ual or indi­vid­u­als who hold the key to a trove of fas­ci­nat­ing history.

For years, I have been vis­it­ing It is a web­site of 3,899 pages of won­der and delight, and 9,100 illus­tra­tions of eye can­dy. It sounds like I am describ­ing an ice cream cone, but it is more like dessert for the historian’s brain!

Alexan­der the Great, ca. 200 BCE-ca.100BCE

Though I have been vis­it­ing this Web­site for years, I nev­er knew who was behind this fan­tas­tic inter­net treat until today! Dutch his­to­ri­an, Jona Lender­ing, began this endeav­or writ­ing and main­tain­ing as much as pos­si­ble on ancient his­to­ry. Lender­ing received his Master’s in his­to­ry from Lei­den Uni­ver­si­ty and his Master’s in Mediter­ranean Cul­ture from Ams­ter­dam Free Uni­ver­si­ty. He was an archivist for the Dutch gov­ern­ment and taught His­tor­i­cal The­o­ry and Ancient His­to­ry at Free Uni­ver­si­ty before he became one of the founders of Livius Onder­wi­js, a school for his­to­ry teaching.

I’m eas­i­ly inspired. I’m always in admi­ra­tion of the efforts of oth­ers. So, to say I’m fas­ci­nat­ed with the depth of infor­ma­tion that Lender­ing pro­vides on would be expect­ed. Addi­tion­al­ly, I love that you can use the pho­tos and texts for non-prof­it endeav­ors. They do sell the pho­tos, but only to main­tain the costs of the Website. 

But, here is what inspires me the most: that some­one would care enough to share a cor­ner­stone of his­to­ry with the world.

Byzan­tine horse-shaped lamp /
ca. 300 CE–ca. 600 CE

There is so much won­der­ful infor­ma­tion on this Web­site! There is so much to read, so much to take in, and so much to look at. With­out sound­ing like a com­plete his­to­ry nerd, has reaf­firmed my faith in the foun­da­tions of his­tor­i­cal research and those who con­tribute to it.

If you haven’t vis­it­ed yet, enjoy!

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