Black Scientists of Canada

It’s Feb­ru­ary, and in Cana­da, Ger­many, and the Unit­ed States, it’s Black His­to­ry Month, when we reflect on the inspir­ing impact of many Black indi­vid­u­als and those of African her­itage. As a side note, Black His­to­ry Month is cel­e­brat­ed in Octo­ber in the Unit­ed King­dom, Ire­land, and the Nether­lands.  It’s a spe­cial month reserved for not only remind­ing the world

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Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

IT’S GIVING TUESDAY!! Sev­er­al years ago, I want­ed to start a char­i­ty and call it Rise in STEM. And so, I pur­chased the URL, and kind of start­ed it. Then, life got in the way. And so, I put the char­i­ty on the back­burn­er. The URL sat in my queue for a year, and I did­n’t want to sell

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