Black Scientists of Canada

It’s Feb­ru­ary, and in Cana­da, Ger­many, and the Unit­ed States, it’s Black His­to­ry Month, when we reflect on the inspir­ing impact of many Black indi­vid­u­als and those of African her­itage. As a side note, Black His­to­ry Month is cel­e­brat­ed in Octo­ber in the Unit­ed King­dom, Ire­land, and the Nether­lands.  It’s a spe­cial month reserved for not only remind­ing the world

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The Crumplers

The Crumplers

Many of us would not be alive today if it were not for the altru­is­tic work of all of our health­care work­ers. This February …
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Dr. Percy Lavon Julian — the persistent chemist

Dr. Percy Lavon Julian — the persistent chemist

on the evening of Novem­ber 22, 1950, arson­ists broke into an emp­ty, new­ly pur­chased home. They splashed gaso­line on the walls and the floors of the 15 rooms with­in this house. Then they tossed a kerosene torch through the porch win­dow set­ting the house ablaze. A neigh­bor heard the com­mo­tion and looked out­side to see two men dri­ving away in a dark sedan. Why would some­thing like this hap­pen in Oak Park?

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