Understanding momentum goes back to Aristotle’s time, where be believed that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones. Today, momentum propels us to future endeavours that even reside within us!
Galois was murdered the early morning of May 30. He was only 22. For the brief years in which he practiced mathematics, his theories revolutionized the foundations of abstract algebra.
The year was 1983 and I was taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the SAT! It was springtime in Denver, Colorado, which meant it was snowing, as it usually does until about June. I was probably dressed in sweatpants and leg warmers because, you know, the 80s. I remember looking forward to the SAT test because I had been studying hard
Foote was never acknowledged as a legitimate climate scientist. That is, until 2011, when Historian Ray Sorenson realized Foote was the first climate scientist to conduct this groundbreaking study, leading us to understand climate change and the steps we must take to save Mother Earth.
Catherine Macaulay spoke up for women. She condemned the treatment of women, advocating for women’s rights and…
I have good hope that there is something after death. This is a quote by Plato that I chose to use for the first chapter of my recently published book, Hypatia: The Sum of Her Life. This quote is so profound to me because her legacy continued to live on after Hypatia’s death. Some were negative, some were propaganda, and
Hipparchus was one of the first mathematicians who trigonometrically defined his astronomical observations through stereographic projection …
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In June 2022, Emma Haruka Iwao determined the value of pi to 100 trillion digits! When Archimedes first determined this value, his was only three digits. His life…
Though she was Voltaire’s lover, she did not love him nearly as much as she loved …
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If you could travel through time, where would you want to go?!
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