Fibonacci and His Rabbits

Fibonacci and His Rabbits

What do rab­bits, nature’s cutest fluff­balls, have to do with one of the most famous pat­terns in math­e­mat­ics? Well, imag­ine this: a sin­gle pair of rab­bits start multiplying—just two at first, but soon, the field is hop­ping with Rab­bit DeNiros, Luke Sky­hop­pers, Mar­i­lyn Bun-roes, and Jes­si­cas. Before you know it, you’re ask­ing your­self: How many rab­bits are there?’ And boom—you’ve

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What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

The Greek philoso­pher Aris­to­tle was born in 384 BCE. The Ital­ian philoso­pher St. Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225. Galileo Galilei was born on Feb­ru­ary 15, 1564. Between the three of them, there is a sto­ry that spans almost 2000 years. That sto­ry is known as the Galileo Affair.

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Lau­ra Maria Cate­ri­na Bassi received her Ph.D. at 21 years of age. She was the first woman to earn a pro­fes­sor­ship in physics at a uni­ver­si­ty. As a trail­blaz­er for women in STEM, she was one of the first women in sci­ence to accom­plish so much! Her sto­ry is tru­ly memorable.