The Muses at the Museum

The Muses at the Museum

Dur­ing my vis­it to the Get­ty Vil­la, in Mal­ibu, Cal­i­for­nia, I dis­cov­ered this stun­ning sculp­ture! This is a Roman sculp­ture of three of the nine mus­es. It dates back to the mid-third cen­tu­ry BCE and was part of a large sar­coph­a­gus. The sculp­ture shows four indi­vid­u­als. The orig­i­nal sculp­ture held eight indi­vid­u­als, which includ­ed two more mus­es and two men.

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The Reconstruction of Cleopatra VII’s Alexandria, Egypt

The Reconstruction of Cleopatra VII’s Alexandria, Egypt

Over the last three years, I have com­mit­ted over 700 days work­ing on a project about Alexan­dria, Egypt, the his­to­ry of Alexan­dria, the works of the intel­lec­tu­als, and of course Hypa­tia, who was an absolute aca­d­e­m­ic STEM hero in every pos­si­ble way. Work­ing through this project, I found myself immersed in this idea about what it would be like to completely

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I love research­ing Late Antiq­ui­ty his­to­ry. If you like his­to­ry and his­tor­i­cal sci­ence as much as I do, I am sure you share the same kind of thrill that I get when I dis­cov­er an indi­vid­ual or indi­vid­u­als who hold the key to a trove of fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry. For years, I have been vis­it­ing It is a web­site of

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REPOSTING: The Story of Adolphe Rome from 300 B.C. to 2018 A.D.

REPOSTING: The Story of Adolphe Rome from 300 B.C. to 2018 A.D.

DECEMBER 2016 — AROUND THE WORLD  Humans per­sis­tent­ly live in an age where the preser­va­tion of knowl­edge is essen­tial. When Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion began its tran­si­tion into our gov­ern­ment, time was unfor­giv­ing­ly lim­it­ed; archivists, sci­en­tists, and data base experts around the world hur­ried­ly com­piled and har­bored endan­gered envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion records. Data res­cue events were coor­di­nat­ed in the Unit­ed King­dom, Greece, Ger­many, Japan,

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History Will Teach Us Everything

History Will Teach Us Everything

It is in his­to­ry that we under­stand who we are as a col­lec­tive and who we are as indi­vid­u­als, it is whom we seek to be and whom we become. What val­ue do we place on his­to­ry? I could not think of a bet­ter time to hon­or the impor­tance of his­tor­i­cal preser­va­tion than in July, the month that hon­ors Julius

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