L.A. Fires and a Repost: Earth Day

This week, due to lack of time, I will be repost­ing an old­er pod­cast that I did years ago about Earth Day because it serves as a valu­able reminder dur­ing the cur­rent mis­for­tune in Los Ange­les, as well as the mis­for­tune of oth­er areas afflict­ed by cli­mate change. No doubt, our plan­et is hurt­ing. If you are inter­est­ed in helping

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Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

IT’S GIVING TUESDAY!! Sev­er­al years ago, I want­ed to start a char­i­ty and call it Rise in STEM. And so, I pur­chased the URL, and kind of start­ed it. Then, life got in the way. And so, I put the char­i­ty on the back­burn­er. The URL www.RiseInSTEM.com sat in my queue for a year, and I did­n’t want to sell

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