Though it is Women’s History Month today, I’m writing about two incredible transgender individuals. First, Dr. James Barry is historically significant because of his contributions to medicine and courage in living as a gender-nonconforming individual during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Then, Angela Clayton, a transgender woman, was a testament to the power of courage, brilliance, and the unwavering pursuit
It’s February, and in Canada, Germany, and the United States, it’s Black History Month, when we reflect on the inspiring impact of many Black individuals and those of African heritage. As a side note, Black History Month is celebrated in October in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands. It’s a special month reserved for not only reminding the world
Many of us would not be alive today if it were not for the altruistic work of all of our healthcare workers. This February …
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The segregation of blood is precisely why, in 1942, Dr. Charles R. Drew, one of the original developers in banking blood, resigned from his position as appointed Director of the first American Red Cross blood bank in charge of blood for use by the Navy and the Army.