Now that Pi day is over, I have only one question: Where did the decimal come from?
Chemistry class in 414 BCE was sooooo much easier!
Agree to disagree. Sometimes it is this agreement that holds an unexpected friendship together. Such was the case between two great philosophers, Plato and Archytas.
Many of us would not be alive today if it were not for the altruistic work of all of our healthcare workers. This February …
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Every year the United Nations honors women and girls in STEM…
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Last month, as I covered a great deal of material on Tesla, I found a cool multiplication circle called…
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Hypatia lived in Alexandria in the fourth and fifth centuries as a mathematician and philosopher. However, she is most famous for the way in which she died.
The Math Science History Annual Holiday puzzle is up!! Enjoy!
Tesla wanted to light up the world. And he did.
We all have mathematical brains. Sadly, many people let those misconceptions become unconscious beliefs, which eventually become their truths.