Empowering the Next Generation: Irene Duah-Kessie on Rise In STEM

Gabrielle Birchak/ March 18, 2025/ Interviews

🔎 Episode Overview

In this spe­cial Pod­casthon Week episode of Math Sci­ence His­to­ry, I sit down with Irene Duah-Kessie, the founder and exec­u­tive direc­tor of Rise In STEM (RiseinSTEM.ca). Rise In STEM is a non­prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for under­rep­re­sent­ed stu­dents in sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, engi­neer­ing, and math­e­mat­ics. Irene shares her inspir­ing jour­ney, the impact of men­tor­ship, and how her orga­ni­za­tion is break­ing bar­ri­ers in STEM education.

As part of Pod­casthon (Podcasthon.org), this episode high­lights an incred­i­ble orga­ni­za­tion mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. If you’re pas­sion­ate about sup­port­ing diver­si­ty in STEM, tune in and learn how you can contribute!

Irene Duah-Kessie

🧠 What You’ll Learn:

The Impor­tance of Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in STEM: Why men­tor­ship and vis­i­bil­i­ty mat­ter for young stu­dents from under­rep­re­sent­ed backgrounds.

The Chal­lenges and Tri­umphs of Run­ning a Non­prof­it: Irene shares the behind-the-scenes efforts to pro­vide resources and mentorship.

How You Can Make a Dif­fer­ence: Ways to sup­port Rise In STEM through vol­un­teer­ing, dona­tions, and com­mu­ni­ty outreach.

🏛 Links & Resources:

Rise In STEM https://RiseinSTEM.ca

Pod­casthon https://www.Podcasthon.org

🌍 Let’s Connect!

Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mathsciencehistory.bsky.social
Insta­gram: https://www.instagram.com/math.science.history  

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🎵 Music: All music is pub­lic domain and has no Copy­right and no rights reserved.
Selec­tions from The Lit­tle Prince by Lloyd Rodgers

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