The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

Some of us go through life with gnaw­ing thoughts of “I always want­ed to be a _________.” If the word “sci­en­tist” ends this sen­tence for you, but you feel that your goal is out of reach, think again. You can still become a sci­en­tist, even with­out a Ph.D. and even with­out a col­lege edu­ca­tion. Many indi­vid­u­als, called auto­di­dacts, are active

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The Brains Behind the Talent

The Brains Behind the Talent

I am proud to be part of a tribe of women who suc­cess­ful­ly keep one foot in the enter­tain­ment indus­try while keep­ing the oth­er foot in math and sci­ence. In fact, there may be more than you might know.

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Book Review: Synchronicity by Paul Halpern

Book Review: Synchronicity by Paul Halpern

“Syn­chronic­i­ty is the com­ing togeth­er of inner and out­er events in a way that can­not be explained by cause and effect, and that is mean­ing­ful to the observ­er.” — Carl Jung Skep­ti­cism reigns supreme in sci­ence. When some­thing doesn’t make sense, there is a search for truths. Since the begin­ning of archa­ic humans, our ances­tors have con­tin­u­al­ly pon­dered the con­nec­tions of

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Dr. Percy Lavon Julian — the persistent chemist

Dr. Percy Lavon Julian — the persistent chemist

on the evening of Novem­ber 22, 1950, arson­ists broke into an emp­ty, new­ly pur­chased home. They splashed gaso­line on the walls and the floors of the 15 rooms with­in this house. Then they tossed a kerosene torch through the porch win­dow set­ting the house ablaze. A neigh­bor heard the com­mo­tion and looked out­side to see two men dri­ving away in a dark sedan. Why would some­thing like this hap­pen in Oak Park?

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