FLASHCARDS: So…Mistakes Happen

FLASHCARDS: So…Mistakes Happen

Wel­come to Math, Sci­ence, His­to­ry, where on Fri­day we post a short lit­tle flash card about some­thing mathy, sci­en­cy, or his­to­ry. I’m Gabrielle, and today, we’re talk­ing about mak­ing mis­takes and the good things that come out of them. Some­times, even among the best of them com­ma mis­takes are made peri­od and it takes a wise and hum­ble indi­vid­ual to

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L.A. Fires and a Repost: Earth Day

This week, due to lack of time, I will be repost­ing an old­er pod­cast that I did years ago about Earth Day because it serves as a valu­able reminder dur­ing the cur­rent mis­for­tune in Los Ange­les, as well as the mis­for­tune of oth­er areas afflict­ed by cli­mate change. No doubt, our plan­et is hurt­ing. If you are inter­est­ed in helping

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The History of Tribology

The History of Tribology

In 1966, one fas­ci­nat­ing word was pre­sent­ed in a paper in Europe, chang­ing the study of fric­tion and engi­neer­ing. Ah, 1966! What a won­der­ful year! It was the year of the ATM patent, the first year of Med­ic­aid, the year I was born, The Bea­t­les album “Rub­ber Soul” was num­ber one for six weeks, NASA’s Luna 9 became the first

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Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Foote was nev­er acknowl­edged as a legit­i­mate cli­mate sci­en­tist. That is, until 2011, when His­to­ri­an Ray Soren­son real­ized Foote was the first cli­mate sci­en­tist to con­duct this ground­break­ing study, lead­ing us to under­stand cli­mate change and the steps we must take to save Moth­er Earth.

Sofya Kovalevskaya

Sofya Kovalevskaya

When Sofya Kovalevskaya obtained the posi­tion of full pro­fes­sor at Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty, it was an excep­tion­al accom­plish­ment on behalf of women.

The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

Some of us go through life with gnaw­ing thoughts of “I always want­ed to be a _________.” If the word “sci­en­tist” ends this sen­tence for you, but you feel that your goal is out of reach, think again. You can still become a sci­en­tist, even with­out a Ph.D. and even with­out a col­lege edu­ca­tion. Many indi­vid­u­als, called auto­di­dacts, are active

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