Transgender Pioneers: Dr. James Barry and Angela Clayton

Transgender Pioneers: Dr. James Barry and Angela Clayton

Though it is Women’s His­to­ry Month today, I’m writ­ing about two incred­i­ble trans­gen­der indi­vid­u­als. First, Dr. James Bar­ry is his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant because of his con­tri­bu­tions to med­i­cine and courage in liv­ing as a gen­der-non­­con­­for­m­ing indi­vid­ual dur­ing the eigh­teenth and nine­teenth cen­turies. Then, Angela Clay­ton, a trans­gen­der woman, was a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of courage, bril­liance, and the unwa­ver­ing pursuit

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Fibonacci and His Rabbits

Fibonacci and His Rabbits

What do rab­bits, nature’s cutest fluff­balls, have to do with one of the most famous pat­terns in math­e­mat­ics? Well, imag­ine this: a sin­gle pair of rab­bits start multiplying—just two at first, but soon, the field is hop­ping with Rab­bit DeNiros, Luke Sky­hop­pers, Mar­i­lyn Bun-roes, and Jes­si­cas. Before you know it, you’re ask­ing your­self: How many rab­bits are there?’ And boom—you’ve

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Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Climate Scientist and Suffragette Eunice Foote

Foote was nev­er acknowl­edged as a legit­i­mate cli­mate sci­en­tist. That is, until 2011, when His­to­ri­an Ray Soren­son real­ized Foote was the first cli­mate sci­en­tist to con­duct this ground­break­ing study, lead­ing us to under­stand cli­mate change and the steps we must take to save Moth­er Earth.

When Women Gather

When Women Gather

In eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry Europe, there was an increase in women enter­ing the field of sci­ence, more so than in the six­teenth and sev­en­teenth cen­turies. What hap­pened in the eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry that set women up for success?

The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

The History and Future of Autodidacts and Citizen Scientists

Some of us go through life with gnaw­ing thoughts of “I always want­ed to be a _________.” If the word “sci­en­tist” ends this sen­tence for you, but you feel that your goal is out of reach, think again. You can still become a sci­en­tist, even with­out a Ph.D. and even with­out a col­lege edu­ca­tion. Many indi­vid­u­als, called auto­di­dacts, are active

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