Ancient Spookiness 👻

Ancient Spookiness 👻

In Greece, near Athens, there was an old house that always seemed emp­ty. The renters would always move out ear­ly, claim­ing it was haunt­ed. This house was infa­mous for its dark past; neigh­bors even claimed it was spooky. They said they could hear the clank­ing of chains echo­ing through the halls at night. Even brave young influ­encers would vis­it and

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Falling Leaves and Helicopters

Falling Leaves and Helicopters

Every now and then, I hear heli­copters over­head. And I joke, liv­ing in Los Ange­les, that heli­copters and sirens are the songs of my peo­ple. I like the sound. It makes me feel safe. Close to my house, there is a hos­pi­tal with a heli­pad. And every now and then, I hear a heli­copter fly­ing into my neigh­bor­hood, get­ting closer

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The History of Calculators

The History of Calculators

The year was 1983 and I was tak­ing the Scholas­tic Apti­tude Test, the SAT! It was spring­time in Den­ver, Col­orado, which meant it was snow­ing, as it usu­al­ly does until about June. I was prob­a­bly dressed in sweat­pants and leg warm­ers because, you know, the 80s. I remem­ber look­ing for­ward to the SAT test because I had been study­ing hard

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What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

What do Aristotle and St. Aquinas have to do with the Galileo Affair? Parts 1 and 2

The Greek philoso­pher Aris­to­tle was born in 384 BCE. The Ital­ian philoso­pher St. Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225. Galileo Galilei was born on Feb­ru­ary 15, 1564. Between the three of them, there is a sto­ry that spans almost 2000 years. That sto­ry is known as the Galileo Affair.