Sofya Kovalevskaya

Sofya Kovalevskaya

When Sofya Kovalevskaya obtained the posi­tion of full pro­fes­sor at Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty, it was an excep­tion­al accom­plish­ment on behalf of women.

Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

Helping the marginalized to Rise in STEM

IT’S GIVING TUESDAY!! Sev­er­al years ago, I want­ed to start a char­i­ty and call it Rise in STEM. And so, I pur­chased the URL, and kind of start­ed it. Then, life got in the way. And so, I put the char­i­ty on the back­burn­er. The URL sat in my queue for a year, and I did­n’t want to sell

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I’m now on Patreon!

I’m now on Patreon!

I have excit­ing news! I am now on Patre­on at I have decid­ed to start a com­mu­ni­ty over at Patre­on for like­mind­ed peo­ple who also enjoy the his­to­ry of math and sci­ence. Depend­ing on the tier you choose you will get all kinds of added ben­e­fits for your patron­age. In addi­tion to my infi­nite grat­i­tude, depend­ing on the tier,

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