L.A. Fires and a Repost: Earth Day

This week, due to lack of time, I will be repost­ing an old­er pod­cast that I did years ago about Earth Day because it serves as a valu­able reminder dur­ing the cur­rent mis­for­tune in Los Ange­les, as well as the mis­for­tune of oth­er areas afflict­ed by cli­mate change. No doubt, our plan­et is hurt­ing. If you are inter­est­ed in helping

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Codebreaker Extraordinaire: The Legacy of Elizebeth Friedman

Codebreaker Extraordinaire: The Legacy of Elizebeth Friedman

Elize­beth Smith Fried­man was a pio­neer­ing crypt­an­a­lyst whose ground­break­ing work in code­break­ing trans­formed Amer­i­can intel­li­gence and reshaped the field of cryp­tog­ra­phy. In an era when few women worked in the sci­ences, Elize­beth rose to promi­nence through her skill, tenac­i­ty, and inno­va­tion. She began her career in the ear­ly nine­teen hun­dreds at River­bank Lab­o­ra­to­ries, where she learned to break com­plex ciphers

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It’s Pumpkin Spice Season!

It’s Pumpkin Spice Season!

Dis­cov­er the chem­istry of fla­vor, the his­to­ry of spices, and the math behind the per­fect pump­kin spice lat­te. Grab your favorite pump­kin spice treat, get cozy, and join me on this fla­vor­ful exploration!

Ancient Spookiness 👻

Ancient Spookiness 👻

In Greece, near Athens, there was an old house that always seemed emp­ty. The renters would always move out ear­ly, claim­ing it was haunt­ed. This house was infa­mous for its dark past; neigh­bors even claimed it was spooky. They said they could hear the clank­ing of chains echo­ing through the halls at night. Even brave young influ­encers would vis­it and

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The History of Tribology

The History of Tribology

In 1966, one fas­ci­nat­ing word was pre­sent­ed in a paper in Europe, chang­ing the study of fric­tion and engi­neer­ing. Ah, 1966! What a won­der­ful year! It was the year of the ATM patent, the first year of Med­ic­aid, the year I was born, The Bea­t­les album “Rub­ber Soul” was num­ber one for six weeks, NASA’s Luna 9 became the first

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Euphemia Haynes, Her Math, and Her Fight for Equality

Euphemia Haynes, Her Math, and Her Fight for Equality

A bril­liant math­e­mati­cian once wrote, “For a per­son of intel­li­gence is well equipped to solve the prob­lems of life… we must have some defined aim in life and be able to fill com­pe­tent­ly that posi­tion in which we may find our­selves… let each defeat be a source of a new endeav­or and each vic­to­ry the strength­en­ing of our spir­it of

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Falling Leaves and Helicopters

Falling Leaves and Helicopters

Every now and then, I hear heli­copters over­head. And I joke, liv­ing in Los Ange­les, that heli­copters and sirens are the songs of my peo­ple. I like the sound. It makes me feel safe. Close to my house, there is a hos­pi­tal with a heli­pad. And every now and then, I hear a heli­copter fly­ing into my neigh­bor­hood, get­ting closer

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