Pascal’s Higher Power

Gabriellebirchak/ September 24, 2020/ Early Modern History, Modern History, Uncategorized

Imag­ine it’s Fri­day evening, and the whole fam­i­ly is get­ting hangry (that is a com­bi­na­tion of hun­gry and angry), and they all want to order piz­za. So, you call your local pizze­ria and, hal­lelu­jah, they have a “Large Piz­za Two Top­pings for Two Dol­lars” deal. The restau­rant offers four types of top­pings. You want to get as many com­bi­na­tions of piz­za with those four top­pings because you have some hun­gry teenagers who are about ready to eat the moldy lasagna that’s been sit­ting in the refrig­er­a­tor. How many dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of piz­zas can you cre­ate with only two top­pings? Well, the answer lies in math­e­mat­ics, of course!

There is this very cool tri­an­gle known as Pascal’s tri­an­gle that helps us find the answer. Imag­ine that we have a one at the top of the triangle.

Pas­cal’s Triangle

Below that one, we have two ones. The rea­son why is because each of those num­bers are the sum of the two num­bers above it.

So, in this case, for the sec­ond row, the two num­bers above it are 0 and 1. As a result 0+1=1.

We’re going to start mak­ing the tri­an­gle. On the third row, the val­ues we place are the sum of the two num­bers above it. So, repeat­ing what we did before, the third row will read 1, 2, 1

The fourth row will read 1, 3, 3, 1.

The fifth row will read 1, 4, 6, 4, 1

Using this method, we can make the largest tri­an­gle in the world, if we so choose!

So, for the piz­za dille­ma, we find the answer by count­ing down four rows start­ing at the sec­ond row. Then, not count­ing that first val­ue of 1, we count two val­ues over. The val­ue that we land on is the num­ber 6. We can order six dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of two-top­ping piz­zas with the four ingre­di­ents at the pizzeria.

But with this fan­tas­tic tri­an­gle, there is more than meets the eye. In math­e­mat­i­cal terms, Pascal’s tri­an­gle is a tri­an­gu­lar pat­tern of bino­mi­al coef­fi­cients. A bino­mi­al coef­fi­cient is a group of pos­i­tive inte­gers that occur as a con­stant val­ue in the bino­mi­al theorem.

A bino­mi­al is a poly­no­mi­al with two terms. For example:

a + b or 1 + 2 or x + y

Now let’s say we take a bino­mi­al and put it inside paren­the­ses, like (x+y) and then we give that bino­mi­al an expo­nent of 2. We now have the fol­low­ing bino­mi­al expansion:


The bino­mi­al the­o­rem shows us how to expand expres­sions when they are in the form:


With n rep­re­sent­ing the val­ue of the expo­nent. For example,

We notice that the con­stant in front of each of those vari­ables coin­cide with the val­ues on the triangle. 

Bino­mi­al expan­sion using Pas­cal’s Triangle

For exam­ple,


Since the expo­nent is 5, the con­stants coin­cide with the val­ues of the row that lead with 5. Addi­tion­al­ly, the expo­nents for the vari­ables in each term add up to five. 

For x, the expo­nents count downward

x^5, x^4, x^3, x^2, x^1

For y, the expo­nents count upward

y^1, y^2, y^3,y^4,y^5

Math­e­mat­i­cal­ly, it is rep­re­sent­ed as

Bino­mi­al Expan­sion formula

The bino­mi­al expan­sion is just one of many uses of Pascal’s tri­an­gle. It also allows us to solve com­bi­na­to­r­i­al prob­lems, sta­tis­ti­cal prob­lems, find Fibonac­ci num­bers, solve com­pound inter­est, and more. It is one of the most use­ful tools in mathematics.

The tri­an­gle got the name from the math­e­mati­cian Blaise Pas­cal who wrote The Trea­tise on the Arith­meti­cal Tri­an­gle in 1654, even though the tri­an­gle had been around long before he wrote about it. In the trea­tise that he wrote, he pre­sent­ed a tab­u­lar pre­sen­ta­tion of bino­mi­al coef­fi­cients cre­at­ed out of columns and rows.

Pas­cal was born in Cler­mont-Fer­rand, France, on June 19, 1623. Pascal’s moth­er died when he was only three years old. His father raised him and his two sis­ters. They even­tu­al­ly moved to Paris in 1631. Through­out his entire life, Pas­cal suf­fered from poor health. Regard­less, he was deter­mined to live a full, intel­lec­tu­al life. Pas­cal was so bril­liant that he was con­sid­ered a prodigy.

His father, Éti­enne, was a tax col­lec­tor, a coun­selor to the French King, and a civ­il ser­vant. Éti­enne chose to home­school him and his sis­ters because he did not trust the rig­or of the edu­ca­tion­al sys­tem in France. Even though his father was a math­e­mati­cian, he dis­cour­aged his son from learn­ing math at a young age. His father knew how ful­fill­ing math was, and he felt that Pas­cal could immerse him­self in the joy of math when he was old­er. But first, he want­ed to teach his son human­i­ties, phi­los­o­phy, lit­er­a­ture, and oth­er clas­si­cal studies.

Nev­er­the­less, despite his father’s resis­tance to intro­duc­ing him to math, Pas­cal decid­ed to teach him­self math. This sto­ry is quite sim­i­lar to the sto­ry of Agatha Christie, whose moth­er did not want to teach her how to read until she was at least eight. Despite her mother’s dis­cour­age­ment, Agatha learned how to read by the time she was five. Some­times you can’t stop brilliance!

By the time Pas­cal was twelve years old, his father would bring him along when he made his week­ly vis­its to the Soci­ety of Math­e­mati­cians at Acad­e­my Libre. Here they would dis­cuss cur­rent top­ics in sci­ence and math. At these meet­ings, Pas­cal had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet well-known math­e­mati­cians, includ­ing Marin Mersenne, Girard Desar­gues, Pierre de Fer­mat, and René Descartes.

Pas­cal was so inspired and moti­vat­ed that by the time he was 16, he had pub­lished his first essay on conics.

Par Blaise Pas­cal — Inter­net Archive, Domaine pub­lic,

He was tru­ly ahead of his time. When he was six­teen years old, he designed and cre­at­ed a cal­cu­lat­ing machine. For three years, he designed 50 pro­to­types and 20 fin­ished machines that he called Pas­cal calculators.

“All of humanity’s prob­lems stem from man’s inabil­i­ty to sit qui­et­ly in a room alone.” 


When he was 23, he became fas­ci­nat­ed with physics. A fam­i­ly friend intro­duced Pas­cal to Torricelli’s exper­i­ment, which involved a tube full of Mer­cury immersed in a bowl full of Mer­cury. What the exper­i­ment showed was that when the tube was placed in a bowl full of Mer­cury, the Mer­cury would fall in the tube to 760 mm. No more and no less. Even when the tube was moved, shak­en, or tilt­ed, it always remained at 760 mm. This con­sis­ten­cy was due to the influ­ence of atmos­pher­ic pres­sure. Pas­cal was fas­ci­nat­ed with this exper­i­ment and, as a result, decid­ed to immerse him­self in the stud­ies of physics.

By 1651, Pas­cal wrote A Trea­tise on the Vac­u­um, whichre­ferred to the Tor­ri­cel­li exper­i­ment. Sad­ly, this was also the same year that Pascal’s father died.

By 1654, Pas­cal pub­lished his Trea­tise on the Arith­meti­cal Tri­an­gle. Mean­while, he con­tin­ued to strug­gle with poor health, as well as con­tend with reli­gious beliefs. In 1654, he ful­ly com­mit­ted him­self to God. As a result, from that point for­ward, most of his writ­ings were philo­soph­i­cal. He wrote a work called Provin­cial Let­ters, which was a series of pas­toral let­ters. He also start­ed to com­pile a col­lec­tion of writ­ings. His writ­ings were posthu­mous­ly titled Pen­sées, which, in French, means Thoughts. Pen­sées was con­sid­ered to be a prepa­ra­tion of Chris­t­ian apolo­get­ics. It was a col­lec­tion of about 1,000 frag­ments of his writ­ings based on his beliefs about mir­a­cles and God’s proof of existence. 

“Man’s great­ness lies in his pow­er of thought.”


Pas­cal under­stood the val­ue of think­ing and mas­tered the art of deep con­tem­pla­tion. He lived an intel­lec­tu­al­ly ful­fill­ing life, despite his life­time of phys­i­cal ail­ments. On August 19, 1662, Pas­cal died from a malig­nant stom­ach tumor. He was only 39 years old. How­ev­er, because of his abil­i­ty to immerse him­self in his aca­d­e­m­ic stud­ies, in his brief life, Pas­cal left a pro­found intel­lec­tu­al imprint in the fields of math, physics, and philosophy.

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