Hypatia The Sum of Her Life is now on sale!

Gabrielle Birchak/ June 22, 2023/ Uncategorized

The sto­ry of her life is an intrigu­ing one! She was a math­e­mati­cian, an astronomer, a philoso­pher, and a polit­i­cal advi­sor, yet she was bru­tal­ly mur­dered by church monks. For thou­sands of years, her death over­shad­owed her accom­plish­ments. But, even­tu­al­ly, the truth of her life final­ly sur­faced in the his­to­ry books. 

Dam­as­cius wrote that Theon raised Hypa­tia with dikaeosyne (jus­tice) and sophrosyne (tem­per­ance). She was respect­ed by Roman lead­ers and cher­ished by her dis­ci­ples. Her math­e­mat­ics cov­ered Dio­phan­tine equa­tions, dimen­sions of the cir­cle, and cubics, and con­tributed to com­men­taries on Euclid­’s Ele­ments, Ptole­my’s Almagest, and Archimedes’ Dimen­sion of the Cir­cle. Still, she was most remem­bered for her death. 

My book looks at Hypa­ti­a’s accom­plish­ments and her imprint on his­to­ry. You can get it here on Amazon 

And…now that the book is done, expect to see more podcasts! 


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