So, I found a cool thing online!

Gabrielle Birchak/ April 8, 2022/ Uncategorized

If you like escape rooms, are look­ing for fun date night ideas, or are a math teacher who wants a fun way to teach math, you need to check out Lock Paper Scis­sors at

Lock Paper Scis­sors has mul­ti­ple escape rooms for peo­ple of all ages and events, includ­ing fam­i­ly gath­er­ings, class­rooms, kids’ par­ties, adult par­ties, and cor­po­rate team-build­ing events. Each escape room comes with a com­pre­hen­sive set of direc­tions on set­ting it up. In addi­tion to down­load­able escape rooms, Lock Paper Scis­sors also has an Escape Room Mas­ter Class, class­room math kits, and box kits that come with a large amount of mate­r­i­al. They have a Big Box kit, a VIP Box kit, and a Kids Box kit. Each of these kits saves buy­ers 60%! For the class­room, they have a Math Box kit and a His­to­ry Box kit, which saves buy­ers 50% off the orig­i­nal price! They also have free prod­ucts! Yes, free! The free prod­ucts include a free escape room builders kit, free puz­zle ideas, theme ideas, and free design secrets.

As for class­room mate­r­i­al, they have an entire sec­tion of math work­sheets. Each set of math sheets has a theme, includ­ing Bin­go Craft math, Mil­lion to Mars math, Birth­day Plan­ner math, and Adven­ture Egypt math.

Lock Paper Scis­sors was kind enough to let me look at a few of their prod­ucts, includ­ing the His­to­ry Box. Even though the His­to­ry Box is a class­room kit, it also includes games and activ­i­ties for adults. Inside the His­to­ry Box is the Lost Mum­my Adven­ture kit, the Lost Mum­my Class­room kit, the Adven­ture Egypt print­able math game, a bonus Trea­sure Map pack, and one of my favorites, a bonus Hal­loween Print­able Skulls Card game and Poster Pack. Also, I want to point out that the graph­ic design of their prod­ucts is phe­nom­e­nal! Visu­al­ly, these prod­ucts are real­ly engaging.

When you down­load the kits, they come with a set of fonts that you will need to insert into your font file because they are used with­in the attach­ments and games.

These Lock Paper Scis­sors kits are very thor­ough. For exam­ple, when you down­load the Lost Mum­my Class­room kit and open it up on your com­put­er, there are three PDFs that include a start­ing point for teach­ers, the sto­ry of Howard Carter’s expe­di­tion in 1922, and a Com­mon Core Cur­ricu­lum check­list. This check­list con­sists of Eng­lish lan­guage arts stan­dards in His­to­ry and Social Stud­ies for grades six through eight. There are three mod­ules to the Lost Mum­my Class­room kit that includes Match­ing the Tomb Door, Build­ing Tutankhamun’s Tomb, and the Lost Mum­my Escape Room game. So, this class­room kit comes with a lot of material!

The Lost Mum­my Escape Room kit includes a quick set­up guide, clear expla­na­tions, hints, and answers. I real­ly like this kit because you can make minor changes to the game and cus­tomize it. Since my kids are in high school and col­lege, off doing their own thing, I didn’t have younger kids around to play the Lost Mum­my Escape Room. So, I looked at the kit one after­noon, which was fun and engaging.

The Lost Mum­my Escape Room is an archae­o­log­i­cal mis­sion that requires trans­lat­ing a hiero­glyph stone tablet. Before you start the game, you want to cut out the nec­es­sary items that you will need to set up for your escape room. The set­up guide has a web­site link that pro­vides videos and instruc­tions on ful­ly set­ting up the game or cus­tomiz­ing it. As you go through the entire kit, you will find items that you can place around the room. These items include four diaries filled with hints and notes graph­i­cal­ly designed to look like the archae­ol­o­gist Howard Carter wrote them. Again, the graph­ics are fantastic!

Sup­pose you don’t have time to host an escape room. In that case, the Lost Mum­my Escape Room can eas­i­ly be turned into an after­noon table event with print­outs, scis­sors, and tape. There are pieces to cut out that include obelisks, a pyra­mid, stones for unlock­ing secrets, hiero­glyphs for spelling out clues, and shat­tered stone carv­ings for assem­bling. The table event would be fun to do with younger kids on a rainy day.

Also in the His­to­ry Box kit is the Adven­ture Egypt math game. Though the math games are self-explana­to­ry, they come with instruc­tions on how to do each math sheet. You will also need a pair of scis­sors and some tape for this game because there are obelisks that you will need to assem­ble to play the math game. What I like about these sheets is that they aren’t too chal­leng­ing. It has many equa­tions that require learn­ers to prac­tice order of oper­a­tions, which are paren­the­ses, expo­nents, mul­ti­pli­ca­tion, divi­sion, addi­tion, and sub­trac­tion (PEMDAS). As a result, this math kit could be used for grades four through six as well.

The His­to­ry Box kit also comes with two bonus packs. The first one is the Trea­sure Map Pack, which includes mate­ri­als for all ages. There are birth­day invi­ta­tions that you can mod­i­fy and cus­tomize. For the pirate fanat­ic, there are cards that you can print out for date night and maps that you can mod­i­fy to strate­gize a hid­den trea­sure. I plan to use this part of the kit for hid­ing the TV remote. My hus­band is going to love that!

The sec­ond bonus pack from Lock Paper Scis­sors is a Hal­loween extra that includes a Skulls game and posters. The skulls game is like Rock Paper Scis­sors. It lasts only four rounds, and dur­ing each round, the play­ers must choose one undead to fight a bat­tle. Instead of rocks, paper, and scis­sors, you have the Empress, which defeats Strength, which defeats the Wheel of For­tune, which defeats the Empress. But unlike Rock Paper Scis­sors, there is one card, the Sun, which defeats them all. This game is a lot of fun and can be played with two or more play­ers. You will just need to print a set for every two play­ers. So, if you have four play­ers, you will need to print two sets. My hus­band and I real­ly enjoyed this game.

Out­side of the His­to­ry Box kit they let me down­load, I also looked at Escape Room Z and Envy. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I didn’t get a chance to do an escape room, but I did get a chance to check out what they entail. These escape rooms look like a lot of fun! As a mom slow­ly get­ting back to a clean, emp­ty house, I can’t wait to try these games with my fel­low emp­ty-nesters! Addi­tion­al­ly, as I not­ed before, the web­site pro­vides all kinds of fun ideas to enhance your escape room or even make your own.

Over­all, I would say that the Lock Paper Scis­sors kits are fan­tas­tic. There was so much in the His­to­ry Box kit that was engag­ing, enter­tain­ing, and fun. Con­sid­er­ing the amount of mate­r­i­al sup­plied in each kit, the brain work that cre­at­ed the games, and the incred­i­bly excel­lent graph­ics, the His­to­ry Box is worth more than $37, which, by the way, is 50% off the orig­i­nal price. I high­ly rec­om­mend that you check out Lock Paper Scis­sors! You can find these great escape kits and math kits at

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