Plato and Archytas

Gabriellebirchak/ March 11, 2021/ Ancient History, Classical Antiquity, Uncategorized

Agree to dis­agree. Some­times it is this agree­ment that holds an unex­pect­ed friend­ship togeth­er. Such was the case between two great philoso­phers, Pla­to and Archytas.

Pla­to was born around 428 BCE in ancient Greece. He was the child of an aris­to­crat. Yet, his father claimed to have been a descen­dant of Codrus, the semi-myth­i­cal king of Athens, who was a descen­dant of Posei­don. Pla­to was instruct­ed in gram­mar, music, and gym­nas­tics and might have been a wrestler. He was a ded­i­cat­ed stu­dent of phi­los­o­phy and a devot­ed stu­dent of Socrates. The Socrat­ic Method enthused Plato’s log­ic and expo­si­tion, which con­tributed to Euclid’s axiomat­ic-deduc­tive proofs.[i] Pla­to want­ed to moti­vate the Athe­ni­ans to under­stand the val­ue of jus­tice by defend­ing Socrates as the “gad­fly” of the state.

After Socrates’s death, Pla­to left Athens and trav­eled to south­ern Italy and Egypt. Dur­ing his trav­els, he sought out the acquain­tances of the Pythagore­ans. Uti­liz­ing Socrates’s method­ol­o­gy of per­sis­tent ques­tion­ing, he found math­e­mat­i­cal inspi­ra­tion in the Pythagore­an sci­ence of num­bers. In 387 BCE, around the time that Athens began to enter into a new era of intel­lec­tu­al­ism, Pla­to returned to Athens. Back in Athens, Pla­to start­ed a school where he taught oth­er great thinkers and math­e­mati­cians, includ­ing Aris­to­tle and Eudoxus of Cnidus. Plato’s math­e­mat­i­cal teach­ings focused on proofs that used pre­cise descrip­tions, accu­rate and coher­ent assump­tions, and log­ic in the evi­dence. Plato’s log­i­cal process of proofs was ground­break­ing to geometry.

Archy­tas was also born around 428 BCE. There are no spe­cif­ic years for both Archy­tas and Pla­to. So it is debat­ed as to who was the old­er philoso­pher in this friend­ship. Archy­tas lived for about 80 years and built a lega­cy of respect as a Pythagore­an philoso­pher, phil­an­thropist, pub­lic offi­cial, edu­ca­tor, math­e­mati­cian, and gen­er­al. His noto­ri­ety as a gen­er­al was so well received that he was elect­ed sev­en con­sec­u­tive years in a row. His teacher, Philo­laus, taught him Pythagoras’s belief that math­e­mat­ics is the path to know all things. Hence, Archy­tas was a Pythagore­an, and his math­e­mat­i­cal the­o­ries were foun­da­tion­al to pro­jec­tive geom­e­try and num­ber the­o­ry. Around 335 BCE Eude­mus of Rhodes, one of the world’s first sci­ence his­to­ri­ans, wrote that Archy­tas “enriched the sci­ence with orig­i­nal the­o­rems and gave it a sound arrange­ment.”[ii] Archy­tas was a poly­math who stud­ied and was fas­ci­nat­ed with many sub­jects. He gath­ered many of his stud­ies under one belief, which was that math­e­mat­ics con­sist­ed of four branch­es: arith­metic, astron­o­my, geom­e­try, and music. By the mid­dle ages, these four branch­es came to be known as the quadriv­i­um. The quadriv­i­um were four of the sev­en lib­er­al arts taught after the triv­i­um, which were gram­mar, log­ic, and rhetoric. Unlike the math­e­mati­cians before him, who were math­e­mat­i­cal the­o­rists, Archy­tas used mechan­ics to describe geom­e­try. He was one of our first mechan­i­cal engineers.

Around 388 BCE, Pla­to had left Athens after the death of his dear teacher and friend, Socrates. From Athens, Pla­to trav­eled to south­ern Italy and then to the island of Sici­ly. It was his first time there. Since Pla­to was devel­op­ing an inter­est in math­e­mat­ics, he was intent on meet­ing the math­e­mati­cian Archy­tas. By the time Pla­to reached Sici­ly, he had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet Archy­tas. Thus, they began a work­ing rela­tion­ship, which became a friend­ship, which saved Plato’s life. But, more on this later.

P. Oxy. 3679, man­u­script from the 3rd cen­tu­ry AD, con­tain­ing frag­ments of Pla­to’s Repub­lic. By Pla­ton —, Pub­lic Domain,

Pla­to did not ful­ly agree with Archytas’s math­e­mat­i­cal meth­ods and dis­tanced him­self from the school of Pythago­ras. Nev­er­the­less, Archytas’s math had a con­sid­er­able influ­ence on Pla­to. In Plato’s Book VII of Repub­lic, which tells the Alle­go­ry of the Cave, Pla­to writes that “as the eyes are framed for astron­o­my so the ears are framed, for the move­ments of har­mo­ny; and these are in some sort kin­dred sci­ences, as the Pythagore­ans affirm and we admit.”[iii]

The Delian Prob­lem (Dou­bling the Cube)

Around the time that the two had met, a math puz­zle buzzed around philo­soph­i­cal cir­cles that involved dou­bling a cube. In try­ing to solve this math puz­zle, Hip­pocrates of Chios, a much old­er con­tem­po­rary of Pla­to and Archy­tas, sim­pli­fied the dupli­ca­tion of the cube by find­ing two mean pro­por­tion­als in con­tin­ued pro­por­tion.[iv] As a result, he found that if

\frac{a}{x}=\frac{x}{y}=\frac{y}{b}, \text {then}

There­fore, if

a=1 \space \text{and} \space b=2, \text {then} 
\space x=\sqrt[3]{2}

After this dis­cov­ery, the Delian prob­lem became a prob­lem of find­ing these two mean pro­por­tion­als geometrically. 

Accord­ing to the ancient his­to­ri­an Eratos­thenes, while Pla­to was in Sici­ly, he had pro­posed this math puz­zle of Dou­bling the Cube to the cit­i­zens of Delia. That why the Dou­bling of the Cube prob­lem is often referred to as a Delian Prob­lem. For Pla­to, as a philoso­pher, his goal was to intro­duce the Delians to geom­e­try and pro­vide them a unique and dif­fer­ent way of look­ing at mathematics.

Plato’s new friend, Archy­tas, was also con­tem­plat­ing this same puz­zle. How­ev­er, Archy­tas had a dif­fer­ent approach. Archy­tas uti­lized the­o­ries of pro­por­tions and empir­i­cal obser­va­tions. Thus, instead of think­ing through the prob­lem, Archy­tas con­struct­ed the prob­lem and the solu­tion using solids. Archytas’s tech­nique was ground­break­ing because all oth­er meth­ods up to this point were applied using only two-dimen­sion­al geom­e­try. Using three-dimen­sion­al geom­e­try, Archy­tas inter­sect­ed a quar­ter of a cone, a cylin­der, and a sec­tion of a torus. It was bril­liant and pro­vid­ed a new way of under­stand­ing mathematics. 

Archy­tas’s method of solv­ing the Delian Prob­lem used a sec­tion of a torus, a cone, and a cylin­der. This draw­ing and Auto­CAD instruc­tions can be found on the fol­low­ing Website.

The fol­low­ing Web­site pro­vides a phe­nom­e­nal tuto­r­i­al on how to recre­ate Archy­tas’s mod­el of his solu­tion in Auto­CAD.

Archy­tas applied a mechan­i­cal approach to his math­e­mat­ics, which did not bode well with Pla­to. Accord­ing to Eratos­thenes, Pla­to reproached Archy­tas for resolv­ing the prob­lem of dupli­ca­tion of vol­ume by using tan­gi­ble solids, call­ing it “irra­tional.” Eratos­thenes states, “In pro­ceed­ing in this way, did not one lose irre­deemably the best of geom­e­try, by a regres­sion to a lev­el of the sens­es, which pre­vents one from cre­at­ing and even per­ceiv­ing the eter­nal and incor­po­re­al images among which God is eter­nal­ly god.”[v]

Dion of Syracuse

In oth­er words, Pla­to believed that math­e­mat­ics must be imag­ined and per­ceived. In con­trast, Archy­tas believed that under­stand­ing math­e­mat­ics some­times requires a mechan­i­cal process. Nev­er­the­less, they agreed to dis­agree and remained friends. 

While trav­el­ing in South Italy, he trav­eled to Syra­cuse. There he met a philoso­pher named Dion, who was the broth­er-in-law of the despot Diony­sius I. Dion and Pla­to became close friends. As a result, Pla­to found him­self involved in a fam­i­ly dispute.

Diony­sius I

Around 390 BCE, Archy­tas asked Pla­to to serve as a teacher and philoso­pher to Diony­sius I. Up until this point, Pla­to often enter­tained the idea of being a polit­i­cal leader. Pla­to believed that kings could be made into philoso­phers, that philoso­phers could be made into kings, and that there could be an ide­al philosopher-king.

Diony­sius and his fam­i­ly were a rather vio­lent and para­noid group. Diony­sius was so para­noid that some­one would mur­der him. He forced his vis­i­tors, even his son, to strip down to show that they were unarmed com­plete­ly. Diony­sius then made them change into dif­fer­ent cloth­ing. Diony­sius was so vio­lent that he even killed a man who dreamt of killing him.

Upon arriv­ing, Pla­to was shocked by the Syra­cu­sian lifestyle. Pla­to, years lat­er, wrote, “And when I came I was in no wise pleased at all with “the bliss­ful life,” as it is there termed, replete as it is with Ital­ian and Syra­cu­san ban­quet­ings; for thus one’s exis­tence is spent in gorg­ing food twice a day and nev­er sleep­ing alone at night, and all the prac­tices which accom­pa­ny this mode of liv­ing.”[vi]

Pla­to informed Diony­sius that no per­son can become wise if he is focused on glut­to­nous behav­ior. This advice did not go over well with the elder Diony­sius. As a result, Diony­sius became angry with the philoso­pher and sold Pla­to into slav­ery. Luck­i­ly for Pla­to, a friend and philoso­pher, Anniceris, paid for Plato’s free­dom and sent him back to Athens. It was a nar­row escape for Pla­to. Back in Athens, Pla­to suc­ceed­ed as a philoso­pher. Dur­ing this time, he found­ed the Acad­e­my, where he pro­duced his works Repub­lic and The Sym­po­sium

While Pla­to was in Athens, Diony­sius had died either by alco­hol poi­son­ing or pos­si­bly by a sleep­ing potion giv­en to him by his son Diony­sius II. At the urg­ing of Dion and pos­si­bly Archy­tas, Pla­to agreed to work with the fam­i­ly. This time, it was Diony­sius II that Pla­to tried to turn into a philoso­pher. So, at the age of 60, he trav­eled again to Syra­cuse, stat­ing, “I ulti­mate­ly inclined to the view that if we were ever to attempt to real­ize our the­o­ries con­cern­ing laws and gov­ern­ment, now is the time to under­take it.”[vii]

Pla­to began to make an impres­sion on Diony­sius II. How­ev­er, Diony­sius II was sur­round­ed by syco­phants who were con­cerned with Plato’s per­sua­sive meth­ods. As a result, they start­ed to inform Diony­sius II that Dion was using Pla­to to con­vince the younger Diony­sius to step down from pow­er. The lack­eys were suc­cess­ful. After four months of try­ing to work with Diony­sius II, Pla­to was unable to make him a philoso­pher. Instead, the younger Diony­sius charged Dion with tyran­ny and exiled him from Syra­cuse. Plato’s work was done, and he returned to Athens.

Diony­sus II draws Damo­cles’s atten­tion to the sword hang­ing above him, paint­ing by Richard West­all. — By Richard West­all — own pho­to­graph of paint­ing, Ack­land Muse­um, Chapel Hill, North Car­oli­na, Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, Pub­lic Domain,

Then sev­er­al years lat­er, Archy­tas reached out to Pla­to, urg­ing him to go back to Syra­cuse to try to work with Diony­sius II again. Though Pla­to was sev­en­ty years old, he held stead­fast to his philo­soph­i­cal beliefs and went to Syra­cuse. How­ev­er, though his efforts were par­tial­ly suc­cess­ful, Diony­sius II could nev­er prove him­self a true philoso­pher. He pla­gia­rized oth­er philoso­phers. Addi­tion­al­ly, he mis­un­der­stood Pla­to and regur­gi­tat­ed what Pla­to had taught him with­out any thoughts or rev­e­la­tions of his own. Accord­ing to Pla­to, Dionysius’s efforts were sim­ply a means to gain more pow­er. Dur­ing their teach­ings, the younger Diony­sius tried to use Pla­to as a tool to strip Dion of his prop­er­ty and earn­ings. This manip­u­la­tion did not bode well for Pla­to, and he would not go along with Dionysius’s plot. As a result, Diony­sius II banned Pla­to from the palace and sent him to the garden’s lodge. Diony­sius II instruct­ed his guard to watch over Pla­to and not let him leave Syracuse.

While trapped in the ser­vants’ quar­ters, too much time had passed to Pla­to to escape. All of the trad­ing ships depart­ed Syra­cuse. Pla­to had no way off the island. While liv­ing in the ser­vants’ quar­ters, he com­mu­ni­cat­ed with mer­ce­nar­ies from Athens paid to fight Dionysius’s war. Some of these mer­ce­nar­ies informed him that the peo­ple he was liv­ing among were plot­ting his mur­der. Pla­to, wor­ried about his demise, arranged to have a mes­sen­ger send a let­ter to Archy­tas in Tar­en­tum. Luck­i­ly, the mes­sage got to Archy­tas. Archy­tas, real­iz­ing the dan­ger his friend was in, arranged for a ship to go to Syra­cuse and res­cue Pla­to from Diony­sius II’s grips. Pla­to returned safe­ly back to Athens, where he lived to the age of 80.

Even though they agreed to dis­agree, and even though they had dif­fer­ing views on math­e­mat­ics, Pla­to had a deep respect for Archy­tas. Some schol­ars the­o­rize that in Plato’s work, Repub­lic, the rulers he refers to are Archy­tas and Diony­sius. In a sense, Repub­lic is his way of hon­or­ing his friend Archy­tas. In Repub­lic, Pla­to, with­out nam­ing names, ques­tions how soci­ety cre­ates rulers who are tyrants, much like Diony­sius, and rulers who are con­sci­en­tious philoso­phers, like Archy­tas. Pos­si­bly, Pla­to even con­sid­ered Archy­tas as the ide­al philoso­pher-king, which for Archy­tas is the high­est com­pli­ment this pro­found philoso­pher could endow. And such is the rela­tion­ship between two peers, two reli­able friends, and two suc­cess­ful men who could tru­ly count on each other.

[i]. Jyl Gent­zler, Method in Ancient Phi­los­o­phy (Oxford: Claren­don, 2007), 362.

[ii]. David Eugene Smith, His­to­ry of Math­e­mat­ics, Vol. I  (New York: Dover Pub­li­ca­tions, 1958), 85.

[iii]. Pla­to and G. M. Grube, Pla­to’s Repub­lic (Indi­anapo­lis: Hack­ett Pub­lish­ing, 1974), 530(d), 182.

[iv]. Thomas Heath, A His­to­ry of Greek Math­e­mat­ics, Vol. I (Oxford: Claren­don Press, 1921), 200.

[v]. Nicholas Nicas­tro, Cir­cum­fer­ence: Eratos­thenes and the Ancient Quest to Mea­sure the Globe (New York: St. Mar­t­in’s Press, 2008), 95.

[vi]. Pla­to, “Pla­to, Let­ters, Let­ter 7, Page 326,” Perseus Dig­i­tal Library, accessed March 9, 2021,

[vii]. Pla­to , “Pla­to, Let­ters, Let­ter 7, Page 326,” Perseus Dig­i­tal Library, accessed March 9, 2021,

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