First, there was Infinity, Second, there was Infinity…

Gabriellebirchak/ August 6, 2020/ Ancient History, Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern History, Post Classical


Albert Ein­stein once said, “Two things are infi­nite: the uni­verse and human stu­pid­i­ty; and I’m not sure about the uni­verse.” This leads me to won­der many things: One, will we ever evolve into intel­li­gent beings? Two, is the uni­verse real­ly infi­nite? And three, what is infin­i­ty? For the sake of brevi­ty, I am going to address the third question.

Well, infin­i­ty has been around since for­ev­er. Pun intended.

But, let’s start with the basic def­i­n­i­tion. Infin­i­ty is not a num­ber. So, if you were think­ing I was going to have a pod­cast where I count to infin­i­ty, that’s not going to hap­pen. It could be fun, but then maybe not.

Infin­i­ty is a con­cept. It’s this idea that infin­i­ty is larg­er than any num­ber you can think of. It’s also small­er than any num­ber that you can think of. In both cas­es, they that go on for­ev­er and ever and ever with­out end.

In oth­er words, they are unbounded.

In a small nut­shell, a car­di­nal num­ber is a num­ber where one stops count­ing. Infin­i­ty with Car­di­nals is Infin­i­ty with num­bers. We count up: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The thing is that we can’t actu­al­ly count to infin­i­ty. As a result, it’s a con­cept, much like its small­est infin­i­ty, which is also known as an Aleph-null. Aleph-null is the very first car­di­nal num­ber in a series of car­di­nal numbers.

Then we have infin­i­ty with ordi­nals. Ordi­nals allow us to arrange a col­lec­tion of sets. So, I could have a set of three shoes, a set of sev­en socks, and a set of one pair of under­wear. If I want­ed to put them in order, hence the term ordi­nal, I would say:

First, I have a pair of underwear,

Sec­ond, I have three shoes,

Third, I have sev­en socks.

What I love about this set is that a pair of under­wear is real­ly only one under­wear, three shoes mean you are miss­ing a shoe, and sev­en socks mean that you only have clean socks for 3 days and the third sock sits in the draw­er for an infi­nite amount of time.

The thing about Ordi­nals is that they have a wide vari­ety of dif­fer­ent sets, and some of these Ordi­nals hold sets with big­ger count­able num­bers, like infin­i­ty to the pow­er of infin­i­ty. Once they reach that size, they are uncount­able. As a result, Ordi­nals are big­ger than Car­di­nals are.

Oth­er types of infi­nite num­bers can be used in var­i­ous areas of math­e­mat­ics. These include Beth num­bers, Super­re­als, which are used in Field The­o­ry, Sur­re­als, which are used in Game The­o­ry, Super Com­plex, and oth­ers. In Cal­cu­lus, we work with infin­i­ty in such a way that we take things to the limit.

Zeno’s Para­dox — By Mar­tin Grand­jean — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Infin­i­ty is a con­cept that goes back to as ear­ly as 450 BCE when Zeno of Elea pre­sent­ed his para­dox that includes repeat­ed divi­sion by two. It means that if you divide a whole into a half and then divide that half into anoth­er half, and then divide that half into anoth­er half, and then divide that half into yet anoth­er half, you have infi­nite halves. Some­times I feel this way about a goal. When I want to accom­plish some­thing, it feels like the dis­tance between where I’m at and where I want to be is just a nev­er-end­ing path of infi­nite halves. I’m sure some of you can relate.

Then in 350 BCE, dur­ing Aristotle’s time, Aris­to­tle believed that there were aspects of the world that uti­lized the con­cept of Ape­iron. Ape­iron is a Greek word that means unbound­ed like infin­i­ty. The Greeks con­sid­ered ape­iron as a bad word as it allud­ed to the con­cept of chaos: a crum­bled piece of paper was an ape­iron, jagged edges described an ape­iron. But out of chaos came order. Thus, Aris­to­tle believed that the set of nat­ur­al num­bers could be poten­tial­ly infinite. 

After Aris­to­tle, this con­cept Infin­i­ty was used spo­rad­i­cal­ly. Then in the third cen­tu­ry, a Neo­pla­ton­ic philoso­pher by the name of Plot­i­nus devel­oped a phi­los­o­phy that pre­sent­ed the con­cept of an infi­nite God (also known as The One) who could think infi­nite thoughts. What is inter­est­ing about this is that Plot­i­nus was a Neo­pla­ton­ic philoso­pher whose the­o­ries were foun­da­tion­al to aca­d­e­m­ic pagan­ism, which was a phi­los­o­phy that Theon and his daugh­ter, Hypa­tia, taught. Pagan­ism was con­sid­ered repug­nant and dis­gust­ing to the church. How­ev­er, 200 years lat­er, Augus­tine, who even­tu­al­ly was can­on­ized as a saint, incor­po­rat­ed the phi­los­o­phy of Plot­i­nus into his teach­ings. Thus, Augus­tine preached that God was infi­nite, and God could think infi­nite thoughts.

So now, we enter into the Medieval Age, where this con­cept of a num­ber is part of spir­i­tu­al teach­ings. It wasn’t until around the time of 1200, that infin­i­ty became a math­e­mat­i­cal con­cept. Enter Fibonac­ci, AKA Leonar­do of Pisa. Fibonac­ci pro­posed a sequence of num­bers cre­at­ed by adding the two num­bers before it.

By Suyotha­mi — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The sequence starts, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. The next num­ber is 8, since 5+3=8. The next num­ber is 13, since 8+5=13. So the sequence goes 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13, etc., etc., etc., all the way up to infin­i­ty. What is cool about the Fibonac­ci sequence that it can be visu­al­ized. When you take these val­ues and make them the length and width of a square, posi­tion the squares next to each oth­er, and then draw a curve, you get the Fibonac­ci spi­ral. This spi­ral is a math­e­mat­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion of nature. You can see the Fibonac­ci spi­ral in plants, in our galax­ies, in the swirl of water, it is every­where, and it is beautiful.

We first start with two squares, each with sides equal to 1, thus giv­ing an area of 1. 

1 x 1 = 1

Next to those two squares, we have a square with side lengths of 2. This square has an area of 4.

2 x 2 = 4

Next to those three squares, we have a square with side lengths of 3, thus with an area of 9.

3 x 3 = 9

Next to those squares, we have a square with a side length of 5, thus with an area of 25.

5 x 5 = 25

The Fibonac­ci Spiral

Once we entered the Mid­dle Ages, the con­cept of infin­i­ty was used on many dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions, specif­i­cal­ly, the divi­sion of frac­tions. In the six­teenth cen­tu­ry, Rafael Bombel­li uti­lized the con­cept of infin­i­ty while also address­ing the prob­lem with imag­i­nary num­bers. He pre­sent­ed this in the square root of thir­teen, by con­tin­u­al­ly adding divid­ed fractions


by using the form 


By the 17th cen­tu­ry, Galileo Galilei was using finite rea­son­ing on infi­nite things. Galileo stat­ed, “This is one of the dif­fi­cul­ties which arise when we attempt, with our finite minds, to dis­cuss the infi­nite, assign­ing to it those prop­er­ties which we give to the finite and lim­it­ed; but this I think is wrong, for we can­not speak of infi­nite quan­ti­ties as being the one greater or less than or equal to anoth­er.” Galileo then pre­sent­ed his para­dox, which shows that the list of per­fect squares is as infi­nite as a list of num­bers. As a result, for the list of per­fect squares, we have 1, which is 1 squared, 4, which is 2 squared, 9 which is 3 squared, 16 which is 4 squared, 25, 36, 49, 56, 81, and on and on and on. 

Galileo’s Para­dox states that even though there are some count­ing (aka nat­ur­al) num­bers that when squared or cubed, are more numer­ous than oth­er num­bers, each of these num­bers has a one-to-one cor­re­spon­dence with the squared or cubed val­ue. As a result, there can’t be more num­bers in those one-to-one sets because all the num­bers in one set match up with the num­bers in the oth­er set.

The para­dox is that in the sec­ond set, there are few­er nat­ur­al num­bers. In oth­er words, there is a gap between 1 and 4, where 2 and 3 are miss­ing. There is a gap between 4 and 9, where 5, 6, 7, and 8 are miss­ing. How­ev­er, the sizes of the sets are the same.

This process also works with num­ber lines. For exam­ple, in the fol­low­ing image, we have a num­ber line that starts with 0 and ends with 2. Below that is a num­ber line that starts with 0 and ends with 4. We can show that there is a one-to-one cor­re­spon­dence between the small­er num­ber line and the larg­er num­ber line. The rule applied in the image below is that if we take every num­ber in the upper num­ber line and mul­ti­ply it by 2, we get its cor­re­spond­ing num­ber. In reverse, if we take every num­ber in the low­er line and divide it by 2, we get the cor­re­spond­ing val­ue in the upper line.

What Galileo showed is that these sets of num­bers can both equal infin­i­ty. As a result, Galileo showed that we can­not apply the con­cepts of equal, greater, and less than to the infi­nite. Those con­cepts can only be applied to finite quan­ti­ties. And, this was the chal­lenge. He had shown that in infi­nite quan­ti­ties, an infi­nite list of squared num­bers is larg­er than an infi­nite list of non-squared num­bers. And so, he grap­pled with how to show that some infi­nite sets are larg­er than oth­er infi­nite sets. He couldn’t do it. This task actu­al­ly wasn’t accom­plished until about 250 years lat­er through the genius of Georg Cantor.

Georg Can­tor, the math­e­mati­cian who changed our under­stand­ing of infin­i­ty — By Pho­to­col­oriza­tion — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Georg Can­tor was born in 1845. He was an excep­tion­al vio­lin­ist and a bril­liant math­e­mati­cian. Though he was born in Rus­sia, he was a promi­nent Ger­man math­e­mati­cian. Many of his peers and con­tem­po­raries thought he was crazy because he came up with this con­cept of set the­o­ry. It’s now a very valu­able fun­da­men­tal tool used in math­e­mat­ics. But for Can­tor, who first pro­posed it, he was ridiculed and insult­ed. Can­tor intro­duced car­di­nal and ordi­nal num­bers and pro­posed that there are dif­fer­ent types of infin­i­ty. In his the­o­rem, he implied the exis­tence of an infin­i­ty of infini­ties. This con­cept led to his idea that there are trans­fi­nite num­bers. Trans­fi­nite num­bers are num­bers that are infi­nite in such a way that they are larg­er than finite num­bers; how­ev­er, they are not absolute­ly infinite.

Using set the­o­ry, Can­tor proved that there dif­fer­ent sizes for infi­nite sets. For exam­ple, in one of his first papers, he proved that an infi­nite set of real num­bers has more num­bers than a set of nat­ur­al (count­ing) num­bers. Addi­tion­al­ly, Can­tor showed that the set of all real num­bers is uncount­able using a method that is now called the Can­tor diag­o­nal­iza­tion process.

This process val­i­dat­ed that finite sets are count­able. In oth­er words, a set with three num­bers, 1, 2, and 3, is count­able: {1,2,3}. And it has a car­di­nal­i­ty of 3 since there are three finite num­bers in the set.


It also val­i­dat­ed that a count­able set shares a one-to-one cor­re­spon­dence with the set of pos­i­tive inte­gers. In this case, the set of all pos­i­tive inte­gers, rep­re­sent­ed as


has a car­di­nal­i­ty of Aleph null, which is rep­re­sent­ed with


As a result


But Can­tor also showed that there are infi­nite sets that do not have a one-to-one cor­re­spon­dence with an infi­nite set of nat­ur­al num­bers. As a result, an infi­nite set is not count­able. What could go into this infi­nite set? The set of all real num­bers. So, for exam­ple, between 0 and 1, there is an infi­nite amount of real num­bers! You sim­ply can­not list all the real num­bers in a num­ber line between 0 and 1.

In the Diag­o­nal­iza­tion process, Can­tor point­ed out that we can­not list all the real num­bers by cre­at­ing a set of dec­i­mals. Then he cre­at­ed a new num­ber by tak­ing the num­bers list­ed in the diag­o­nal. Then he cre­at­ed a new num­ber from the num­ber he grabbed in the diag­o­nal by mak­ing one small change. For this exam­ple, the new rule will be to add 1 to each of those dig­its. As a result, he cre­at­ed an entire­ly new num­ber that is not on the list. By doing this, he proved that all real num­bers are an infi­nite set and are uncount­able. This was a dif­fer­ent type of infin­i­ty. And through this, Can­tor showed that there is an infi­nite list of var­i­ous sized sets of infin­i­ty. This was the foun­da­tion of set theory.

Can­tor was a genius with orig­i­nal ideas, much like Ein­stein. Sad­ly, he was rebuked by his con­tem­po­raries. Hen­ri Poin­care, Leopold Kro­neck­er, and oth­ers described him as a “sci­en­tif­ic char­la­tan.” Kro­neck­er went so far as to ver­bal­ize that he was uncom­fort­able work­ing with Can­tor, and even inten­tion­al­ly delayed the release of Cantor’s first pub­li­ca­tion. Every time Can­tor would apply to work at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin, the uni­ver­si­ty would reject his appli­ca­tion. Many believed that Kro­neck­er had a say in these rejec­tions. In oth­er words, Kro­neck­er was being a real jerk. Thus, Can­tor remained at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Halle, where he worked dur­ing his entire career and made a mod­est income. Cantor’s con­tem­po­raries even accused him of cor­rupt­ing the youth with his crazy ideas. Lud­wig Wittgen­stein even went so far as to say that his the­o­ries were laugh­able and wrong and com­plete utter nonsense.

Can­tor began to strug­gle with ongo­ing bouts of depres­sion. In 1884, he entered a sana­to­ri­um. It was believed that he might have had bipo­lar dis­or­der. Thus, his depres­sion wors­ened as his peers con­tin­u­al­ly mocked him.

On Decem­ber 16, 1899, while Can­tor was giv­ing a lec­ture on his views on Bacon­ian The­o­ry and William Shake­speare, Cantor’s 12-year-old son, Rudolph, died unex­pect­ed­ly. This was a dev­as­tat­ing turn of events for Can­tor. He lost his pas­sion for his life and his work. In 1903, he entered the sana­to­ri­um again for depression.

Even after this, his con­tem­po­raries con­tin­ued to mock him. How­ev­er, he also received many hon­ors for his work. In 1904, the Roy­al Soci­ety award­ed Can­tor with the Sylvester Medal, which is the high­est hon­or for work in math­e­mat­ics. As Cantor’s crit­ics con­tin­ued to vil­i­fy his work, David Hilbert came to Cantor’s defense, stat­ing, “From his par­adise that Can­tor with us unfold­ed, we hold our breath in awe; know­ing, we shall not be expelled.”

How­ev­er, that same year, in 1904, Julius Koenig pre­sent­ed a paper at the Third Inter­na­tion­al Con­gress of math­e­mati­cians where he tried to prove that trans­fi­nite set the­o­ry was utter­ly false. Koenig read the paper in front of Cantor’s daugh­ters and col­leagues, which dev­as­tat­ed Can­tor. Even though Koenig’s proof of Cantor’s work failed, Can­tor was still dis­tressed and con­tin­ued to strug­gle emo­tion­al­ly. By 1913, he was poor and mal­nour­ished. By 1917, he entered the sana­to­ri­um again. He had con­tin­u­al­ly asked his wife if he could go home. How­ev­er, she wouldn’t allow him to return. Then, on Jan­u­ary 6, 1918, he had a heart attack and died.

It is a hor­ri­bly sad end­ing for such a bril­liant man who cre­at­ed for­ti­fy­ing foun­da­tions to set the­o­ry. The con­cept of infin­i­ty can be applied to so many areas today. One of the best expla­na­tions I’ve heard for infin­i­ty in physics comes from Hakeem Oluseyi in his Ted Talk. 

In his talk, he describes an elec­tron trav­el­ing through space. That elec­tron can spon­ta­neous­ly become two pho­tons, which then can spon­ta­neous­ly become a mat­ter and an anti­mat­ter par­ti­cle, which then can spon­ta­neous­ly become an ongo­ing, infi­nite sum of sub­atom­ic par­ti­cles. This is infin­i­ty at its most tangible. 

To quote Ein­stein again, he once said that imag­i­na­tion is more impor­tant than knowl­edge. Because of imag­i­na­tion, in the last 100 years, we have made tech­no­log­i­cal leaps that we could nev­er have accom­plished in the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry. So, if we were to add imag­i­na­tion to infin­i­ty, con­sid­er all the infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties we could obtain. Imag­ine all the infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties for our math­e­mat­i­cal advance­ments. Imag­ine all the infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties for our sci­en­tif­ic advance­ments. Imag­ine all the pos­si­bil­i­ties in advance­ments for human­i­tar­i­an­ism. I would like to hope that if we can imag­ine it, we can achieve it. But, like Zeno’s Para­dox, it may take for­ev­er to get from here to there.

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