Happy Birthday Admiral Grace Hopper!

Gabriellebirchak/ December 8, 2019/ Modern History

Admi­ral Grace Mur­ray Hop­per was born on Decem­ber 9, 1906, in New York, New York. The sto­ry of her bril­liance and her life is inspir­ing. She exem­pli­fied per­se­ver­ance. She didn’t make it into Vas­sar on her first try, so a year lat­er, she reap­plied and got in. She wasn’t accept­ed into the Navy Reserves with her first appli­ca­tion, so three years lat­er, she reap­plied and was accept­ed. When she worked as a devel­op­er for Eck­ert-Mauch­ly and pro­posed her idea for a com­pil­er, they reject­ed her idea. So, she wrote an aca­d­e­m­ic paper about it. It would be one of many. When Rem­ing­ton Rand bought Eck­ert-Mauch­ly, they moved for­ward with her idea. She per­se­vered, and she nev­er stopped learning. 

This inter­view on 60-Min­utes is one of my favorite Admi­ral Hop­per inter­views. Her face just lights up when she talks about her com­mit­ment to the U.S. Navy. Her pas­sion and oblig­a­tion to her endeav­ors, along with her for­ward-look­ing out­look, was indeed a game-chang­er in the ear­ly com­put­er industry. 

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