FLASHCARDS: Quick Math & Science Tricks to Stop Leaks Fast

PODCAST TRANSCRIPTS Wel­come to Fri­day’s Flash­cards with Math, Sci­ence, His­to­ry. The pod­cast where we explore the fas­ci­nat­ing ways math and sci­ence shape our world. Hi, I’m Gabrielle BIr­chak. I have a back­ground in math, sci­ence, and jour­nal­ism. And this week, odd­ly enough, is Fix a Leak week. Today, we’re div­ing into a prac­ti­cal top­ic, plumb­ing. Specif­i­cal­ly, we’re going to talk

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Empowering the Next Generation: Irene Duah-Kessie on Rise In STEM

Empowering the Next Generation: Irene Duah-Kessie on Rise In STEM

🔎 Episode Overview In this spe­cial Pod­casthon Week episode of Math Sci­ence His­to­ry, I sit down with Irene Duah-Kessie, the founder and exec­u­tive direc­tor of Rise In STEM (RiseinSTEM.ca). Rise In STEM is a non­prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for under­rep­re­sent­ed stu­dents in sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, engi­neer­ing, and math­e­mat­ics. Irene shares her inspir­ing jour­ney, the impact of men­tor­ship, and how her

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FLASHCARDS: Lillian Baumbach Jacobs — America’s First Master Plumber

March 16 through 22, 2025 is Fix-A-Leak Week! So, here’s a sto­ry about the life and lega­cy of Lil­lian Baum­bach-Jacobs, an incred­i­ble woman who broke bar­ri­ers in a field dom­i­nat­ed by men. Who was she? And what does she have to do with fix­ing a leak? Lillian’s sto­ry is one of per­se­ver­ance, skill, and a lit­tle bit of unex­pect­ed fame. She

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Transgender Pioneers: Dr. James Barry and Angela Clayton

Transgender Pioneers: Dr. James Barry and Angela Clayton

Though it is Women’s His­to­ry Month today, I’m writ­ing about two incred­i­ble trans­gen­der indi­vid­u­als. First, Dr. James Bar­ry is his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant because of his con­tri­bu­tions to med­i­cine and courage in liv­ing as a gen­der-non­­con­­for­m­ing indi­vid­ual dur­ing the eigh­teenth and nine­teenth cen­turies. Then, Angela Clay­ton, a trans­gen­der woman, was a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of courage, bril­liance, and the unwa­ver­ing pursuit

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FLASHCARDS: The Rule of 72 Explained: How Fast Will Your Money Grow?

TRANSCRIPT It’s Flash­card Fri­day here at Math Sci­ence His­to­ry, and today we’re going to learn a math trick. Have you ever won­dered how long it takes for your invest­ed mon­ey to dou­ble or dis­ap­pear? There’s actu­al­ly a math trick for that. Hi, I’m Gabrielle Bir­chak. I have a back­ground in math, sci­ence, and jour­nal­ism, and today you’re going to learn

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Math, Civil Rights, and the Legacy of Bob Moses

Math, Civil Rights, and the Legacy of Bob Moses

It’s Black His­to­ry Month, and we are still cel­e­brat­ing black excel­lence. This week, I am talk­ing about one of my favorite activists and math­e­mati­cians, Robert Par­riss Moses, also known as Bob Moses. His life and lega­cy made an indeli­ble mark on America’s civ­il rights move­ment and math edu­ca­tion. Hi, I’m Gabrielle Bir­chak. I have a back­ground in math, sci­ence, and

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FLASHCARDS: So…Mistakes Happen

FLASHCARDS: So…Mistakes Happen

Wel­come to Math, Sci­ence, His­to­ry, where on Fri­day we post a short lit­tle flash card about some­thing mathy, sci­en­cy, or his­to­ry. I’m Gabrielle, and today, we’re talk­ing about mak­ing mis­takes and the good things that come out of them. Some­times, even among the best of them com­ma mis­takes are made peri­od and it takes a wise and hum­ble indi­vid­ual to

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REPOST: Dr. Roger Arliner Young

REPOST: Dr. Roger Arliner Young

Join me in cel­e­brat­ing Black His­to­ry Month! I always love this month because so many incred­i­ble sto­ries about per­se­ver­ance, ded­i­ca­tion, hard work, grit, human­ism, empa­thy, and bril­liance are shared through­out the entire month, cel­e­brat­ing Black Cul­ture and those noble god­dess­es who are part of the African Amer­i­can cul­ture. This week, I want to intro­duce you to Dr. Roger Arlin­er Young.

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